How to access Tumble Books

TumbleBookLibrary is a curated database of children’s e-books, available by subscription to Elementary Schools and Public Libraries around the world.

TumbleBookLibrary Premium has over 1100 titles for grades K-6, and includes our unique animated, talking picture books, read-along chapter books, non fiction books and videos, curated playlists, as well as books in Spanish and French. Plus, the collection features Graphic Novels – a student favorite!

Subscriptions are affordable and EASY to use, and include tools to simplify your kids’ access from home as well as from your building. There are no check-out times or wait lists: the books are always available, to everyone in your institution!

It’s a great resource for tech-savvy kids, and teaches them the joy of reading in a format they’ll love.



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Step 1

Here is the log-in for Tumblebooks!

Username: Lethsd51

Password: books

Step 2:



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Step 3:



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